Dick Rating


Time to rate some dicks!

Send in at least one photo of your cock, and make it a good one! Bad photos lose points ;) You can send closeups, POV, mirror pics, measurement photos, shots from my POV, whatever! Include your balls if you want me to mention those too. I'll tell you, honestly, what I think of your dick, and give you a rating out of 10.

Please note, this is a text rating, not video! Also note, if you're the type that's into being shamed a little for your cock size, I can accommodate.

Quantity: 982
Condition: New


Amber Sonata Sep 1 2018

Nope, through MV messages! I can do it through Kik if you've purchased access to it ^^

Hugedork Jul 26 2018

Is this video or writen?

Amber Sonata Jul 27 2018

Ah sorry I wasn't clear, it would be text! :)