Custom Clone a Pussy Fleshlight and Vid





now offering: your very own custom Tinyneondemon/margot darko Clone-a-Pussy fleshlight with included video of the creation process! each fleshlight comes with a customizable outer vulva cast of your favorite SW’s genitals in a cute (and on-brand) hot pink color with a 5-star reviewed fleshlight attachable sleeve! with your purchase i will also include a signed thank you note, free premium lube sample, and digital media in the form of a video of the fun and hopefully sexy cast-making process so you get to see every step of the creation of your personalized item! i can i try to accommodate special requests for the item or video but i am mostly limited to what is in the kit—however i will see what adjustments can safely be made re: color, glitter/shimmer, orifice casted, or how the item is individually packaged.