With Dakota Charms! Of course my pathetic cousin stares at me hoping to get a smell and taste of the sweat between my tits. Unzipping the leather skirt that makes me sweat more, I tease as it goes down my big ass. Do you want this thong in your mouth so you can have my ass sweat? Put your nose in my sweaty armpits and smell me. Jerk off because you know you want to jerk off to your family. you want to stroke your dick while I cover you with my ass. Shaking my booty, I command you to sniff it. Waft and taste my stinky ass. It looks like you came on my butt. you're not the best looking but at least you do what I say. OTHER KEYWORDS- sweat fetish, smell fetish, armpit fetish, masturbation encouragement, masturbation instruction, masturbation humiliation, jerk off encouragement, joi, dirty talk, cocktease, cock tease, cleavage, female supremacy, femdom, femdom pov, brat girls, bratgirls, verbal humiliation, ass tease, ass fetish, ass sniffing, , ass smelling, ass worship, ass fetish, ass domination, ass humiliation, PAWG, booty shaking, ass shaking, big butts, whooty, white booty, thong fetish, #GoddessWorship #FemaleDomination #Taboo #JerkOffInstruction #Humiliation @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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