CUSTOM NAME SHANE “She is dressed up in warm cozy clothes after just getting home and having been out in the cold. “Hey Shane.” She is shivering as she looks into the camera so she walks over to her bedroom, kicking off her shoes and slips under her blankets. She cuddles up to her blankets and slips off her sweater so that the warm blankets are touching the skin or her arms. She rubs her arms to warm up. She smiles “Oh, in case you can’t tell I’m home, this isn’t just someones bed I’m in. He-he.” She giggles. She looks down at her clothes and admires how cute she looks. “What do you think bb? Am I not just to cute in all these clothes?” She tilts the camera pulling back the blanket about to show off her body. “ TAGS : cold , chilly , sweater , bundled up , sweate fetish , glass dido , talking , masturbation , electric massager , panty fetish
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