You 're my amazon slave. By providing Princess with her Amazon spending you are solidified into this world with a purpose of selflessness that allows for you to provide a simply form of pleasure for me , which in turn pleasures you. The excitement of knowing I will smile at another amazon giftcard in my email.... This life is so exciting for you. You are so thankful to be my little Amazon minion! What ever I want , I will have because YOU will ensure I ALWAYS have amazon funds!! #Amazon #ShoppingSLave #Slave #SlaveTRaining #Submissive #Paypet SHoppingPet #GiftCardPet #CLipSeries #SpoiledBrat #HArlowMoney #Princess #SPoilingPrincess #MoneyBrat #FIndom #Financial Slave Training, #Financial Slavery, #Money Slavery, #Slave Application, #Slave Contract, #Slave Task, #Slave Training,
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