My loser son just lays around the house all day. I love him, but I’m so embarrassed of him. Thankfully, a solution comes to mind… I’m getting ready for work when I notice you come into my room, you say you have something to tell me. You want me to shrink you down with the special pills from my lab and let you live inside my toilet. I’m confused and a bit disgusted, but realize this might be a good thing -you won’t be a burden on me anymore. I decide to give you a trial, I shrink you down and drop you into my toilet. Now that you're just a pathetic bug, it doesn't matter if you see mummy naked when she changes, or when she has to pull her panties down to wee. Careful though, the stream might come straight for you! I teach you to climb up the sides when I wee and flush. Sometimes I talk to you in there, sometimes I don’t. You’re just a bug inside my toilet now, after all... If you're a good little bug and keep mummy's toilet clean all day, she might let the special creamy treat her coworker put in her drop down from her beautiful pussy onto you!
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