Look at me, what do you see? Perfection. I am perfection. Flawless. Every inch of my body is gorgeous. I truly am a living Goddess and you are a wanking little loser. You shall bow down and pray to me. I should be your one and only Goddess. I am your new religion. Now get down on all fours and pray to me. Prostrate yourself to me on the floor. That is where you belong. Doesn't it just feel right? Bow your head to the ground! Doesn't it feel good, don't I make you feel good? You live for me. You will listen to my words, they are your passion. You must throw away all other Gods, they are nothing before me. I am your only religion now. You know it's true. Don't you feel so much better now that you've converted to ME! You have the privilege of praying to the most gorgeous God on this earth. And you can only stroke to me. Nothing else matters. You are a stupid idiot for me, you are a slave. I want you to pray to me three times a day. I want you to tell everyone about your Goddess and the power she has over you. You obey my every command. It feels so good to be under Goddess Misha. Listen to my words, repeat your prayer to me over and over again. Show your devotion Loser. Your life is totally consumed by your Goddess. You no longer matter
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