It's been awhile since I've been able to eat some shrunken gummy people. However, my puddin', the Joker, has been hard at work lately and has been using his gummy ray to shrink a lot of people. And now, he's given all of them to me to eat! How sweet of him, right?! These gummy people are so tasty. With the first one, I only lick him a little bit before I can't help myself and gobble him all up. With the other ones, I take my time. I lick them, savor the way they taste, swish them all around in my mouth before chewing them up and swallowing them. I wonder if they can hear me with their little gummy ears? If they can taste the flavors of their other little shrunken, gummy friends on my tongue? I really, really hope they can. That would make eating them even that much better. Y'know... once I'm finished eating all these gummies, I'm going to ask the Joker to get me some more. They are just so tasty and I want more more more.
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