Galas comes out first by unzipping one of the big dividers in her tent. She is wearing a long nylon rain jacket with many zippers. Then Dakota unzips her side of the tent. She is wearing a beautiful long black rain coat with many zippers as well. They take turns zipping each other's long zippers fast. Then they decide that they want to trade jackets. More nylon rustling and zipping ensues.. They are both wearing workout clothes underneath, sport bra tops and yoga pants and sneakers Related Categories: ZIPPERING, RAINWEAR, YOGA PANTS, SNEAKER FETISH, FETISH CLOTHING Keywords: nylon clothing, zippering, rainwear, yoga pants, sneaker fetish, fetish clothing, toms, converse, zipper, rain coat, big butts, pawg outdoors, spandex, zip, pvc-vinyl Related Categories: NYLON CLOTHING, RAINWEAR, YOGA PANTS, SNEAKER FETISH, ZIPPERING Keywords: nylon clothing, rainwear, yoga pants, zippering, sneaker fetish, nylon, rain jacket, toms, converse, cleavage, spandex, unzip, blondes, pvc-vinyl , belly button fetish
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