This is one of my best tickle clips! Just for the sheer mental fuckery that takes place. Allison, also known as The Real Heel, worked with me about a month ago, and this time she is back! I told her I was looking to do something a little different this time. Tickling with some tickling utensils. Utensils I have never used before. I was looking in one of my kitchen drawers where I keep batteries, corkscrews, you name it. I came across this brand new Tweezer set I had and they had these sort of sharp edges. Nothing that would hurt but would tickle like hell! Allison actually had to be blindfolded as she could not bear to watch. That's what makes this clip so much fun, lol! She has no idea what's coming next. Each utensil was different. She had no idea what was about to happen because she couldn't see. The look of horror and surprise are simply priceless and as I busted out each instrument and all she could do was wait and feel the sensation. Her laughter is amazing and her reactions, you'll love! Something new and different from me that ticklers are going to love!
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