Come on, take it out... I promise I mean no harm. There it is, that sweet little nectar... the spout to your entire consciousness. The easiest way to a man's heart and his stupid little brain. Yes, I inject my poison directly into the source. Your weak, WEAK penis. So take it out, come on now don't be afraid. You need to subject yourself to my inspection... Good boy. I know I'm doing something else now... it's making you feel funny... but it's all apart of your inspection. Don't be afraid, let me show you horror. Let me unlock your deepest darkest desires. I know you've got them cuz I've got them too. And I want to show you how wonderful it can be, how delicious it can taste. How grateful you can be, how grateful I can make you. You will be mine. So come on, you've already been injected with the poison, all there is left to do is keep touching and enjoy the ride.
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