With Dakota Charms! Do you like what you see? There are two of me which means 4 tits and 4 ass cheeks for you! Do you want to feel my soft lips on you? I kissed myself and it was like kissing my hot twin. She knows how to pleasure me the way I like and she makes your dick hard. I know I taste good which makes it the perfect makeout session. I love your dick and want you between us. You're so lucky to see this and I squeeze my tits to tease you. How badly do you want us? I come closer and french kiss you before going back to myself. OTHER KEYWORDS- mirror fetish, seduction, face fetish, cock tease, cocktease, body worship, kissing, twin fetish, tease and denial, tease & denial, POV kissing, point of view, brat girls, bratgirls, brunettes #GoddessWorship #TeaseAndDenial #TitWorship #CockTease #SensualDomination @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com The name Brian is used in this clip.
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