You have gone to the doctors to ask for some help with your erectile dysfunction. Nurse Dolly just needs to ask you a few questions before you go in to see the doctor. She asks you how often you suffer with erectile dysfunction and you tell her it is very common. Dolly asks if you have a partner and is very surprised when you say yes! She tries her best to remain professional as she asks you the questions but she cant help but feel sorry for your girlfriend. She tells you how if you couldn't make your cock work with her she would be so annoyed she would want to kick you in the balls! She keeps trying to be a good nurse but the thought of your pathetic floppy penis not being able to satisfy a woman just makes her sick, she would love to punish your silly goolies by kicking you straight in the bollocks and stomping on them! She tells you how she wouldn't let you anywhere near her fanny with your silly broken dick!
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