What's that smell? It smells like pot!..looks around and then down on the floor . It's my friends son and his fat friend but they're both shrunk to a tiny size! It must be that magic pot I heard about! You're so small that I could step on you...or eat you all up like your friend is snacking on a potato chip as big as he is. He just keeps eating! In fact seeing him munch is making me hungry.. Hungry for something more than that takeout I have waiting in the kitchen. Hungry for stoner tinies in fact! You don't smell like pot anymore. What you smell like is absolutely delicious and I want to feel you slide across my tongue and down my throat! My friend will never know what has happened to her loser son!! Oh my eating him is making my head spin as I guess he was like a real live edible haha but now I have the munchies for more tinies!
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