With Dakota Charms! I easily bearhug and pick up Little Larry. He's amazed at how strong I am! When he tries to lift my solid body, he can't believe how solid I am. Picking him up in a cradle carry, it's scary that he may drop me although he can't budge my powerful body. It's more fun to carry him around as I mock his weakness and lack of strength. OTHER KEYWORDS- muscle domination, lift and carry, lift & carry, strong woman, strong women, powerful woman, powerful women, female domination, femdom, muscular woman, muscular women, muscle control, humiliation, brunettes, female supremacy, muscle worship, strength test #MuscleDomination #LiftAndCarry #StrongWoman #Strength #FemaleDomination @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX at g m a il dot com
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