I’m sitting comfortably on the settee, and am about to have a much needed change :) I’m wearing a lovely blue My Little Pony t-shirt, a cute pair of My Little Pony socks, and I'm tightly strapped into a very soggy Bambino. I’ve had it on for quite a long time, and I just don't think it has got much left in the tank, if you know what I mean? ;) I get onto my knees in order to show off my pert little bum, and I can feel the Bambino squelching like crazy as I do so! I can't resist grabbing the bulky crotch of the Bambino, and the feel of the plastic against my fingertips gives me a cheeky thrill :D It's so padded, and is very obvious to those in the know that it's carrying quite a load! I sit back down on my bum, and remove a brand new Tykables Cadets from a clear plastic packet which I have to hand. It's white and blue, and so matches my t-shirt perfectly, which will make me look even prettier :) I lovingly fasten myself in, and I can tell straight away that it's going to be very comfortable indeed! When it's snugly in place, I strike some cheeky poses, and I'm delighted to note that it is rustling and crackling loudly. And it looks amazing on me. Well, from something old, to something new...it hasn't been borrowed, but it's definitely blue! ;)
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