I’m indoors doing a spot of cleaning :) I’m wearing a yellow t-shirt, a pink and yellow pair of knee length tube socks, and I’m tightly fastened into a bulky ID Slip. I’m stood at the top of the stairs, and have got the vacuum cleaner out so that I can vacuum the carpet. I switch it on and get to work, moving it up and down and working up a sweat. And because I need to bend forward slightly in order to use the vacuum cleaner, this gives a great view of my padded bum jiggling around! My bladder just so happens to be full to the brim, and I haven’t been going long when it empties of its own accord and I send a lovely hot stream spilling into my ID Slip! I don’t stop what I’m doing for a second, and continue with my chore, but I get such a thrill from feeling the beautiful warm sensation spreading within the plastic :D I can actually feel it getting heavier as I move around, and when my release has finally stopped, the ID Slip is squelching like crazy! Now the carpet is clean, and I’m nice and soggy too…definitely a win-win situation ;)
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