Disgruntled employee Violet has joined her sassy coworkers in a plot to take down their tyrannical boss before he busts them, but first they have to get some dirt on him. to keep him from turning the tables while they wait for documents to prove his dirty business dealings, the 9 to 5 trio has him tied up in his empty house while his wife is on a cruise for four weeks. Violet has her own ideas of what frank deserves so she let the ladies take a day off from caring for their bound boss so she can have a quick word with Frank Hart and vent some frustrations. Watch Luna Masters play a vengeful Violet from the 1980 classic comedy 9 to 5: A cold lunch is served while you watch from Frank Hart's point of view. After work Violet fills his mouth with something harder to swallow, a glass dildo. Watch as powerless Frank Hart is informed his worst fears are coming true: rigid office policies revised, approving employee leave and even talk of unionizing!
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