Join kinkysplash and save yourself a ton of cash! For just $29.99 a month you can get videos like this plus 2 video updates per WEEK like this one plus bonus videos and picture sets.Get even bigger discounts for signing up for longer. It's a perfect sunny day so you're out exploring hidden coves and rocks on the Devon coast trying not to slip over on all the sea weed where the tide has gone out. The tide has gone so far out you're able to climb around to bits you have never made it to before. As you're exploring you're stopped dead in your tracks by an unusual sight ahead of you. Is it a girl? No it looks too weird. As you get closer you can tell it’s a mermaid! Shocked you hide behind a rock, gradually creeping forward to get a better look being careful not to disturb her. You weren't careful enough and she spots you! Shocked she dashes back to the sea, sliding down the seaweed, wiggling her tail for a quick decent. In the sea you scurry to the edge to watch her swim away but she's caught inbetween the rocks from the low tide. Splashing about she knows you are watching from above and gradually becomes more inquisitive. You notice how relaxed she's become in your presence so you slip into the sea to be closer to her. The sea is murky and you can only just make her out as she darts around you for a short while until eventually swimming off and you vow to come back and try and see her again as soon s you can!
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