Join kinkysplash and save yourself a ton of cash! For just $29.99 a month you can get videos like this plus 2 video updates per WEEK like this one plus bonus videos and picture sets.Get even bigger discounts for signing up for longer. Down the beach and the sea is too rough for snorkelling. Sat on the sand Leila makes a comment about how tight my wetsuit has become. She thinks I need more motivation for fitness training and has brought along a tool which she thinks might help motivate me. After telling me to put on my snorkel gear, she pulls out a red stick and when I ask what it is she zaps me with it! It is an electric shock wand she can chase me around the damn beach with. As you can imagine it is kind of hard to run in fins, even more so when scared to death of getting electrocuted. She is mean and even zaps me when I'm on the ground. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I reach the end of the beach thinking we will stop here but she zaps me again ordering me to do press-ups. I am absolutely sweating with a wetsuit and snorkel kit on. She again orders me around making me do more and more exercises even whilst the sea is washing over me. Finally, now I can barely breathe she chases me back down to the other end of the beach zapping me the entire way until I fall to the ground, half begging for mercy and half dying of laughter!
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