this was a custom video and you can get one too! You own a startup company that you run out of your house and posted a “now hiring: qualified salesperson” link on Craigslist. The details of your company are very vague, but you started receiving responses. I find myself between jobs in this fantasy, notice the posting, and reach out in hopes of scheduling an interview. You respond much quicker than I anticipated and invite me over to your house for the first interview... *scene begins* I arrive at your place and immediately notice that you are incredibly sexy. You’re dressed mainly professionally up top, but are wearing a skimpy skirt, nude pantyhose, and heels. You greet me, introduce yourself, and ask for me to sit on the couch so that we can get started. With your legs crossed and heel dangling, you ask job related questions to me and take notes: what my experience is, if I’ve been in sales before, how I deal with clientele, etc. a minute or two in, you uncross your legs and I clearly notice that you’re aren’t wearing any underwear. Beyond turned on, I keep my calm, because you’re clearly least I think. You mention how you put vague details about the position online because you didn’t “want to scare guys off”, continuing to cross and uncross your legs. You keep a sense of mystery to the company and position specifically, dropping your pen that you’re using to take notes, excusing yourself as you stand up and bend over giving me a full view. I can’t keep quiet any longer and mention that you’re not wearing panties. You get embarrassed and apologize...but then say you knew you weren’t. The job posting on Craigslist was just made to attract hot guys, like me. You’ve turned the interview upside down and are now clearly wanting to fuck me. It doesn’t take much convincing as I submit to rough POV sex with you, now only in pantyhose, finishing all over your ass. “Well, I would like to offer you the job!” with a wink as the scene ends.
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