Full Yogic Breath or 3 part Breath Almost everybody not uses full lung capacity, which can lead to disorders. Breathing is life. Breathing is healing. WHY DOING THIS EXERSIZE: By learning to breath properly you IMPROVE BREATH CAPACITY. It can PREVENT disease or even REVERSE harmful conditions that can lead up to disease. Each practice promotes VITALITY AND RELAXATION in only 1 single exercise. Invest 5 up to 10 minutes of your time or even less to notice the benefits! Guideline: Do NOT use strain Make the Breath smooth and effortless Go slow and easy Most important benefits of full yogic Breath are: CALMS THE MIND REDUCES EMOTIONAL AND NERVOUS ANXIETY Other benefits are: - release of muscular tension around the heart and digestive organs helps to overcome the fear of shortage of Breath Increases cardio vascular system Improves detoxification Amplifies auto immune system by increasing energy flow to the endocrine system.
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