Did you have a good workout at the gym, son? Great! I don't think you need to work out, you are gorgeous anyway! But you certainly are building some big strong muscles... I have to say, son, those gym shorts are...a little tight! Did you realise they would be so...clingy? I know I shouldn't be looking as your Mom, but they are quite...revealing! I apologise son, I shouldn't be staring at your COCK. But it's SO clear through the fabric, and oh, son, so BIG! So huge. And swollen... Do you mind Mommy looking? No? You like it! Son! Did you buy the shorts on purpose? You did! You are very naughty son! It's almost as if you want Mommy to... ...reach down between your legs... ...and stroke you...oh, son, you better take it out for Mommy... Let your Mother take care of you...
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