Carly Rae - Surprise Deep throat Just when you thought students were safe, I con another fucking one. Remember Zoe Turner? Well yes she may have sucked my cock, but she agreed to come back a few more times in order to make up with getting a free laptop off me. Well never heard from her since, she sucked my cock, swallowed my cum, took the laptop and fucked off. The fact her mam works in the local shop and that she probably doesn’t have any idea what we got up too, its not as if I can storm round there and ask for my laptop back. But that was months ago and I had moved on until Carly turned up on my door step. Turns out she is a friend of Zoe’s and Zoe had kindly asked her if she would come and say sorry she hasn’t been round, the fact that she took a laptop off me and didn’t turn up she felt guilty but too scared to come round and admit it herself. Funny enough Zoe’s mam and Carly didn’t know what went on even though at first thats what I thought she was going to say. I got chatting to her then started to turn on the charm. I asked her what she was studying at college and made a comment that it must be fashion design with her being so pretty. Just as I was getting somewhere my fucking phone rang again, and it was Candi again. This time she was at her laptop and she wanted to know the web address of these US agents. This girl does not give up. I gave her some names that weren’t loading in because of course they were made up. I made an excuse and hung up, but yeah I think she’s on to me. So I said sorry to Carly for the interruption and I said its always like this round her and she asked what I did. I told her I am a talent agent, but of course didn’t tell her it was porn right away. She asked lots of questions and I asked her if she wanted to do a test shoot. She said she wouldn’t mind but she think she will be too shy, I told her to come up into the studio room and just give it ago, she agreed. Up stairs I gave her a release form to sign and like I planned, thank fuck she didn’t read it. I then started to proceed to feeling her up, and boy the look on her face, she was totally confused and nervous wondering what the fuck I was doing, but now she had signed that form I was going to get stuck straight in and not waste any time. She said is was a bit weird when I started feeling her tits and then I told her this is the requirement for adult acting, and when she realized she had signed something without reading it well she was shocked to say the least. I told her to not worry and do what I say. I then went on to stripping her down, playing with her pussy, filming her playing with her pussy and getting her on her knees. Wait till you see that innocent face on her knees with her eyes closed, mouth wide open, if that doesn’t get you hard when you see that, then you are dead. She started to suck on my cock and I even got her to try and deep throat my cock, which she did very well considering it was her first time. Once she started she couldn’t stop, she was deep throating and chocking on my cock all the time. She kept bring up lots of spit and it was a nice, wet and sloppy blowjob. She said she hadn’t even swallowed cum before, that was enough to finish me off, I shot a massive load in her mouth and she swallowed the lot, what a good girl. I fucking love students.
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