"Fun Quiz where wrong answers mean pies, custard, or rice pudding" A mega quiz off between our first two contestants...Liz Rainbow and Honour May In the first round the girls are quizzed on capital cities with right answers meaning points, and wrong answers meaning your opponent gets to mess you up with pie, custard, rice pudding or gunge. Honour May makes a strong start but poor Liz really struggles. After a few questions, Liz realises Honour's questions are much easier and to Honour's dismay, Honour's questions get harder too. In round two we stay on capital cities, but the mess ante is upped as right answers mean you get to pie your opponent and make them lose an item of clothing..wrong answers mean you get messy, and lose an item of clothing The girls get pied in the face, get gunged, get yoghurt down their knickers and custard over their head, and lots lots more.
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