I’m having a stroll around the city in the lovely weather :) I’m wearing a pink jumper, a black and white striped dress over the top, a black belt, my shapely legs are bare, and on my cute little feet I have on a pretty pair of socks and my grey pumps. Underneath my dress is a beautiful ABU Barebum. As I sit on a wall next to a car park, I just can’t resist hitching up my dress to expose my ABU to the sunshine :) I have no idea if anybody is watching me from one of the parked cars, but I get a cheeky thrill from flashing my plastic like this ;) I give my ABU a gentle squeeze with my fingers, and then I stand up so that I can show it off from a different angle :) It looks so shiny in this light, and when I sit down again on a stone step, I savour the beautiful feeling of it being squished and compressed…sunshine and an ABU Barebum really is a perfect combination ;)
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