P1 A baking plot demise A desperate wife calls a number and as a hitwomen answers she explains how she got the number and what she wants. She begs of the women to make a acception and to off her husband in a way that will be untraceable. (normally this hit women likes to fuck her prey to the end, but has a soft spot for the wife and women scorn) The wife tells her of her husbands porn and mistress addictions and how she just cant take it any longer she wants him gone but doesnt want to loose the insurance money and needs it to look like a stroke or something.. The hitwomen sympthosizes and tries to convince the wife to allow her to serve him the treats for fear she might not go through with it.. The wife says she will rest on it and let her know when the baked goods are ready..And with that she tells her that she will whip up some treats and drop them off but that once she serves them to him there is no turning back.( stay tune for p2 the ingrdients of a baking demise) ( this is a 3 part series with a twisted bake goods ending)
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