Wonder Hannah is snufed out again. This time Wonder Hannah is all tied up in the backseat of a car… with who else other than Panzon driving!! With Wonder Hannah all snuggly tight, and getting hornier, Hannah teases Panzon the whole car ride, until they stop somewhere… Panzon opens the back door and pulls out a white cloth just specially for Wonder Hannah. Panzon sends Wonder Hannah into a woozy trance before untying Hannah’s ankles and letting her out of the car. The still horny and still tied up Wonder Hannah leads Panzon to a bed where she then mounts him for dry humping. Wonder Hannah lets Panzon have his way with her. Panzon removes Hannah cleave gag and then hand-over-mouth smothers her all the way to Wonder Hannah’s climax. Once she’s all done, Panzon snufs out Wonder Hannah all over again… all the way to pass out this time. What other ways with Panzon have his way with the tied up Wonder Hannah??
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