The Cosmos, The Arrivals, Book 1, Chapter 4, Tiffany Transparent: Arrives at Cosmos House, Day 1, Section 7, Janet Probes Babs: Steph on the Manifest? Also Robyn! ¶ Janet opens the Front Door partway before she parlays, “By the way…” Janet touches Babs on her bare shoulder. “You got Steph on your Manifest?” ¶ “One and the same,” BB affirms, “and a Robyn too.” ¶ Janet blinks. Pushes her lips out. “Okay. I understand how Steph Pledges the House, but Robyn? Pledge aren’t allowed to Repeat Terms, to Hover. You know that. Us Monitors can Hover, but for Pledge it’s either an Up or a Down.” ¶ “So maybe she’s a different Robyn,” Babs shrugs. “Or maybe she really does have Charm.” ¶ “It’s something else not supposed to happen,” Janet declares. She considers, “Maybe if it really is them you can find a way for them to Mudwrestle!” ¶ They both laugh. Janet slips out toward the Front Door. And BB ponders, {If Janet knows Tiffany, then why did she elect to not greet her?} ¶ She turns, strides back though the Living and Dining Room, ignoring the Pictures on the wall, and returns to the Kitchen. Shoulders straight, babambas uplifted, belly narrowed. Crescents; no blush. Boss Babe scans the Kitchen perimeter, frowns at the Calendar, yet acquires the confidence of patience. {There is no rush. The time belongs to me first. I set the pace, not a waiting Pledge. Tiffany can wait until I am ready to deal with her. And not the other way around.} ¶ Pledge Tiffany waits. {No problem.}
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