I've just gotten so fucking fat. Everything about me is massive. My ballooning gut, my cellulite filled thighs, my massive hanging fat arms, my dimpled but, my triple chins, even my growing breasts. It's all so fucking fat. But I have to wonder, have I gotten too fat for you? Is my growing too out of control? Is my eating too much for you? Or do I need to be even fatter?! Truthfully, I love how fat you've gotten me, and I just want you to know how much I appreciate you getting me so massive. I really really reallllllly want you to keep fattening me. I hope I'll never get too fat for you. I want to be your massively fat and growing girl for forever.....or at least until immobility. ****** Clip features: gaining talk, fat chat, gfe, moaning, belly jiggles, heavy on the talking
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