Jodie Cummings - Spunky Visit Thank fuck Christmas was all over. I had already spent Christmas on my own trolling the internet for girls I could approach and promise them the world with my fake bullshit. Working the whole time on which bitches I could fuck, next took my mind off being lonely at Christmas. Either way unless I could rope Craig into being my new full time camera person, it looks like this year I was going to be filming all the sexual adventures on my own. The chances of Craig doing it, or being able to get away from Caz for so long was slim. I heard the door go, some cheeky fucker was letting themselves in the house, so I got up off the sofa to see who it was. It was Scarlet, back for more clothes I guess as she had her suit case with her. We made the small talk and then she asked if she could come in and talk. We sat down and she explained how she feels that she over reacts with me and my videos. She had a visit from Lucy which I knew nothing about, Scarlet said that to see her face when she talks about me, it gives her a sparkle and apart from lies I seem to bring the best out in people. That when we get these first time girls, who have never considered porn before, but yet they do it and it makes them come out of their shell. Fucking hell, I wasn’t expecting her to say anything like that. She said she would like to move back in, and although we may fall out and squabble, that just seems to be the relationship that we have. She said she won’t lie for me, but wont go on at me anymore about message girls around for the sake of my own cock. Only time will tell I guess. Now one of the biggest fucking complaints I have about being the worlds best con man is the girls. They may fall for my bull but those occasions where I shoot the so called auditions I tell them they need to do, in two parts, some never turn up for the second part at all. Or they don’t come back for months later, this is what made me attempt that fake letter that looked like it had been written by a lawyer to make them think, it would go down if they didn’t honour what they agreed. Then there is people like Jodie, who is a person of her word. When I first met her, she had just broke up with her boy friend literally seconds ago when I approached her when she was stood outside my house on my wall. It was a bad time to try and lure her in the house I know that now, but she said she would call back for a coffee some time. Most girls who say that, its their way of getting out of saying no, but to my surprise she did call back round, even if she did’t have a lot of time, now how many people do that these days? She literally does what she says she will do, and because she had no time for a coffee, she came round for another coffee and then we got onto the webcam stuff and she ended up sucking dick, on webcam and she made a load of money. When you meet someone who lets you cum all over their face, you want to have as many encounters with them as you can, so when she called round again and we chatted about this webcam thing being something we could do together since the guy who paid her to suck my cock, tipped her real good. Well you know me, I always have to take it a step further and so I mentioned about the whole porn thing, in for a penny in for a pound right? The thing is the way I explained it to her was that she already worked on webcam, she already escorted so she already worked in the sex industry. So porn was a logical next step, and you know what she went for it, she agreed and wanted to give it ago. Now you might say that i’m a bastard for lying to her and getting her into this, where the truth is, there is no job, since she has been so honest with me. But hey come on, that doesn’t compute with me, if I have the chance to get my dick sucked or have someone bounce on the end of my cock, I’m going to do that. She didn’t have much time today so, she said that she would have to come back. I didn’t have to worry about her not, as I already knew she was a women of her word, she had proved that. She did say she could maybe do the blowjob scene now and the sex scene another day. Hmmmm have a blowjob right now or wait till another day….. Err I think I will take one now. Unlike a lot of girls who come though the door, she was wanting to get stuck in straight away and man she can suck cock. She gives one of those tightly locked grip ones with her mouth, bet she is fucking popular with her clients when she escorts. I love the way she sucks nice and slowly and then as she goes on she gets faster and faster. Her tight grip on your cock feels amazing anyway but when she speeds up on it, it feels even more amazing. She has one of those cute faces you just want to cum all over and the best thing is that she loves guys cumming over her face, so much so she takes a selfie of it on twitter and all for her followers so she can book more clients. So I win, she wins, we all all win, and now my balls are just that lit
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