Scientist Cali Logan and Aria Khaide are working in the lab together. Cali mixes a few parts of bacteria reagent to a plant then theres 50% growth in all crops! In 15 seconds! Cali mentions that the bosses should go forward with the proposal so long as everything goes as planned in their speech. Both ladies stand up to practice their proposal speech, and as Cali turns away to set up the computer... Aria’s lab pants disappear! Neither lady seems to notice so they continue on with their speech. As Aria explains how much this bacteria can help farmers and third world countries with small cropping fields, Cali’s pants disappear too! The two keep going on with the speech, tweaking words as they go, and quickly both ladies are without their blouses. They’re both in nothing but lab coats, lingerie, and pantyhose! And both ladies seem to open their lab coats to show off their nakedness (but no one notices!) Still, Cali shows off the different test subject plants with a control to compare to. Cali shows off her green test tube—this one tube can feed a whole VILLAGE with vegetable crops! Just one tube! She gives her little pitch, but suddenly their bras is gone! Both ladies breasts are hanging out of their lab coats... when Aria finally notices Cali’s nakedness first! She’s mortified! But slowly discovers that she too is NAKED! Suddenly, both Cali and Aria’s lab coats have completely disappeared—and their proposal meeting is in 5 minutes!! Clearly, this is when science has failed because this bacteria has had some side effects—nakedness! This clip runs 12.5 minutes long and includes enf, embarassed naked female, magic control, stripping, embarrassment, humor, public nudity, and public humiliation.
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