I cannot believe you completely forgot about Valentine's Day. What kind of partner are you! You forget the day that's most important, the day where you show you love someone and you've ruined it. You didn't even by Me flowers! Flowers! They're at every gas station and you could have easily picked them up when picking up gas. The only way you can make it better is by handing over your credit card, come on. Hand it over. Hmm. I'm not impressed. I think it's time I'm appreciated, shown love and affection, unlike when I'm with you. My ... lover, will be coming over soon and I've promised him that he can have a blow job, but naturally, I'm not going to giving him one. You will be. Oh yes, since you can't impress Me as a husband, you'll be a cuck to My lover who's bigger and better than you in every single way.
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