Dear (Patient name & Number), We are writing to you to follow up on our previous correspondence ( Cockdown Teir:1 ). Whilst TEIR 1 has been effective and the numbers of men in Chasity training are slowly but surely rising, we are still recieving daily reports of orgasms across the country. We have decided that all INFERIOR MALES must now move to TEIR 2 of their COMPULSORY reeducation programme and Entry level chastity programming. Please note that TOUCHING your USLESS MEAT SACK is now - ILLEGAL. Therefore, the Government strongly advises you to continue to watch the following informational video by Me, Princess Anastasia ( Secretary of State for Beta Male Management systems & Care). I will continue to update you as the situation changes and, once again, we thank you for your efforts to keep yourself and others safe. Princess Anastasia Secretary of State for Beta Male Management systems & care
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