Jessica Scotland - Deep Throat Hooker Jessica Scotland - Deep Throat Hooker Well that was a fucking turn up for the text books? I was bored shitless. Lucy couldn’t come round as she was out with friends, Craig wasn't coming round till later....I was driving Scarlet up the wall because I was bored. When I have no girls to audition, I can’t relax and watch tv all day doing fuck all. I’m a hard worker, well actually I probably wouldn’t be into my work as much if didn’t involve diddling girls but you know, you get my point. Now its no secret that I wank my cock every day, more than once a day. But when I am bored, I do it even more. I don’t like being this person, I really don’t but when my hands haven’t got a nice big pair of tits to fondle then my hands wander south, to my ball sack. So naturally when I am playing with my cock, the porn goes on, as I do enjoy a wank while watching some good old porn. I was just in my wanking stride when the door went. I went to answer it, boner in hand and everything, it annoys Scarlet but I couldn’t give a flying fuck. It was a girl called Jess, fit as fuck she was too. But it gets better she was a escort and had got the wrong house, turns out she had been stood up by my neighbour the sly dog, booking escorts when he always comes across as a family man. She had waited far too long and now she had to start to make her way to the next booking. I was stood there, with a boner and she was an escort, so I ask you as long time fans of the show, what do you think I did? Yep you guessed it. She only had time to give me a nosh but hey, no matter how little time a girl has, I can still pop one off over her face in that time, I have no trouble busting a nut, truth be told I struggle to keep it in most of the time. You gotta watch this, she was a deep throat expert, my cock went so far down her throat I didn’t think I was going to see my cock again. This is a much watch and proof how a boring day can turn into a spunktastic day.
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