I’m feeling very sexy so I’ve headed for the toilet ;) I’m wearing a black and white dress, a black leather belt, my shapely legs are bare, and on my cute little feet I have on a black pair of socks and a pair of black high heels. I strike some cheeky poses to show off my outfit, and then I sit down on the toilet and spread my legs so that you get a cheeky look at the thin pink panties I have on ;) My bladder is ever so full, and all this moving around and posing is putting lots of pressure on it, so I decide to strip off in preparation for a naughty wetting. I remove my belt and take off my shirt, and then I slide down my panties so that I am completely naked except for my socks and high heels ;) Then I turn around, so that my pert bare bum is facing the camera, and with one leg either side of the toilet, I open my bladder whilst I’m stood up! A warm jet shoots out of me and down into the toilet bowl, making a loud splashing sound as it hits the water, and the pleasure coming from my satisfied bladder is incredible! I gently move my hips in order to aim the jet and hit my target, and when I’m finally finished, I give my pussy a rub down with some toilet tissue. That felt incredible. Who says you need to sit down when you use the toilet? ;)
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