It’s a beautiful day and I’m out having a walk in a huge field. I’m wearing a black t-shirt, a black skirt, my shapely legs are bare, and on my cute little feet I have on a pink pair of socks and my black Adidas sneakers. Underneath my skirt is a very crinkly Dino Rawrz. I put the camera down on the ground and strike some cheeky poses, hitching my skirt up so that you can check out my padded Dino Rawrz ;) I love the way that the outdoor breeze is rippling against the plastic, and I just adore exposing it out in the open like this :D I pick up the camera and walk over to a wooden fence, which I lean against so that you can admire my pert little bum ;) All this moving around is putting a big strain on my full bladder, so I squat down on the dusty path and allow a powerful stream to flow into my Dino Rawrz right here in the middle of the field! I can feel the warmth of my release spreading over my crotch, and you can actually see the wet stain appear on the Dino Rawrz :D My plastic is getting noticeably heavier as the liquid slowly fills it, and I get a huge thrill from knowing that I might be caught red handed at any moment! When I’ve finally stopped spraying, I give the crotch a squeeze with my fingers, and then I stand up and strike even more cheeky poses, savouring the squelches coming from my soggy plastic. Outdoor wettings always make my heart beat faster ;)
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