A lot of my goons are already single. Obviously. It’s not really that uncommon for masturbation obsessed jerk junkies to have trouble getting attention from women. Or, as the case may be, and as we’ll come to establish, real sex may just be far less interesting than jerking, for a gooning addict. That said, I do have a fair number of devoted junkies who ARE involved in relationships. By some accident, or some stroke of luck, they’ve found themselves attached to wives, or girlfriends, or partners of some sort. Well, that obviously isn’t practical, is it? Of course it isn’t. That’s a barrier that keeps them from fully devoting themselves to their true calling of deep jerking, gooning, and edging. So, the time has come for you, if you’re one of these anomalies. It’s time to remove the distraction from your life. It’s time to cut out things that keep you from your most desired activity. It’s time to jerk your cock, and don’t stop. Edge your cock until everything else in your life disappears. It’s time to goon until you’re single.
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