by far the most humiliating thing i've ever posted on the internet. i went on a walk to get this massive iced coffee, which i finished completely on the walk home. but when i got there, i realized i had locked my key inside. which was no good, because that coffee was huge, and delicious, but huge, and i really needed to pee. i facetimed my roommate to see if he could come home and let me in... but he was at work and had a meeting starting in10 minutes. he wasn't going to be able to be able to get home for another hour 25 minutes at best. He did what he could to talk me through holding it, as i tried all the doors and checked the windows. but i was realizing there was no was i was gonna make it. i really started to totally panic, so mortified at the thought of wetting my self, i'm barely holding back tears. when my bladder gives out and the piss spreads down the legs of my jeans into my shoes. I completely lose it, the embarrassment is just too much to deal with. the whole mess ends in tears :(
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