I shot a bunch of still photos of High School Girlfriend in this cute little black and white dress. At first I was like I'll shoot her with gloves on like I'd shoot my own daughter if I ever have one. But when I realized her top could be lowered thus exposing her perfect size-A breasts I was like ZOMG! Dude. She has perfect size little boobs if you ask me. God, I love 18 year olds. Okay, so-- where was I? We started off shooting some video with a huge Chewbacca statue that we'd found in the lobby closet of the studio. Eventually we grew tired of having her tease the furry beast and instead had her munch down on my big fat dick while Chewie watched helplessly from the background. The really fun part about this first-time blowjob video was that this *also* marked the very first time my high school girlfriend had allowed anyone to cum on her. Ever! Before that it had been pretty much catch your cum in your hand or cum in your rubber or whatever for all the guys she'd slept with before me. So, super duper treat -- she lets me cum on her face while I jack off on her mouth and squeeze her perfect teeny breasts. Many more step-dad step-daughter type role play scenarios are yet to come
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