It's week 2 of my rapid gain for the month! I've had quite the week, some good moments (like a massive amount of delivery food), and some not great moments (hassles from my family about my gain). In this clip, I show you my updated measurements and weight as well as talking about a recent interaction with a family member. They definitely have lots of opinions about how big I'm getting......they even have a suggestion for me that I was totally shocked by. Even for a disapproving fatphobic family, it was shocking. But I don't let the negative get me down, I'm still committed to my gain more than ever, and even dropped in a clip from some of me eating this week! Thanks for supporting me, and let's get these pounds packed on me! Clip Features: measurements Wanna support my gain this month? Send me a tip and it'll go towards a meal or groceries for the month!
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