“They Grilled Us But We Wouldn’t Talk So the Evil CheesePlant Thieves Gagged & Tied Us Like Salamis!” Yet more shockingly saucy thrills and spills (daily, we bestow them upon you) at Borderland Amusement Park. Introducing the outrageously hot Danni King for her first ever ever EVA time in bondage in OR out of her own boudoir, and being pitted against the ever-gorgeous n’ incredible Miss Emma Green. The two are locked into a desperate battle with two sinister miscreants and it looks as though those scumbags have the upper hand upon our very, very busty damsels. The ladies spend the day thrashing about, tightly gagged and bound, while the diabolical duo discuss what to do with them. The results, as you expect with us, are just plain delicious… Danni King, super beauty that she is, in mouth-watering open-toed stilettos, along with similarly attired goddess Miss Green are quizzing one Fregus ShinSplints, a dotty old twit believed to be behind the theft of several high profile potted cheese plants belonging to ex-champion jockey, Peter ‘FartCloud’ Aromatic. Mr Aromatic was awarded these fine house plants after winning the PusBury Cup the year before and they are said to fetch a merry fortune, should they ever be sold. Well, turns out he found his busty mistress, Edna, trussed up with tape over her mouth and the green stuff gone. She laid tale of a tall man, very old looking, at least from the nose up, and a cute blonde in a tight dress tying her up and nicking it. Well now, the cops are involved, and two young and beautiful detectives looking to make name for themselves are all over it… Sitting with their bronzed legs double crossed, the way you like, sir, the beauties are quizzing a visibly shaken Mr ShinSplints in his country home. He waffles, he blathers, he bullzhizzles and they buy zero of it. Enough! Emma abruptly leaves the room to call this one in. He’s their man, all right! What she doesn’t reckon on, as she tries to get a signal outside, is a hand ending up around her laughing gear. It’s ShinSplint’s carer, Mavis! Emma is bundled, mumbling and shocked, back into the house and stashed away while in the parlour, the man himself is making his play. But Danni is a dab hand at dealing with perverted plant thieves and grabs the fucker mid-attack, twisting his arm brutally behind him. He is done, going down hard…. Until Mavis saves his day, stepping into the room with a persuader, and suddenly Danni is no longer the one with the upper hand. She is quickly stripped and tied up along with Emma. The girls are tightly gagged with white handkerchiefs and of course struggle passionately. But Mavis has some fun planned. After introducing her pal, Kevin (we’ll just let you see this asswipe to believe him) she slaps their big old tits up with yellow sticky tape and mauls them in general.
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