Este clip es en español e ingles, alterno ambos idiomas. Aunque lo que de verdad controla la zorra que esta conmigo, es el francés. Es una experta y sucia comepollas, no la puedo dejar a solas ni un instante, a la mínima va a buscar a descampados o parques a algún macho al que comerle el pene. Solo entrar en mi mazmorra, noto que su aliento tiene un peculiar olor, cuantas pollas has comido hoy, eh zorra? Como veo que no tienes remedio, voy a follar tu boca con esta gran y hermosa verga, quiero que te duela la garganta, para que dejes de ir buscando pollas por ahí, al menos durante un tiempo. Solo sirves, para estar a mis pies, escupirte y humillarte sin piedad! This clip is in Spanish and English, alternate both languages. Although what really controls the fox that is with me, is the French. She is an expert and cocksucking slut, I can't leave her alone for a moment, at least she is going to look for a male outdoors or in the parks to eat a penis. As soon as you enter my dungeon, I notice that your breath has a peculiar smell, how many cocks have you eaten today, huh bitch? As I see that you have no remedy, I am going to fuck your mouth with this big and beautiful cock, I want your throat to hurt, so that you stop looking for cocks out there, at least for a while. You only serve, to worship my feet, receive spit and be mercilessly humiliated!
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