Wake up wake up step-dad, I suppose it must be a surprise to see me rousing you up from bed like this. Don't worry, mom won't walk in I managed to get her out of the house this morning. I wanted to have a little payback from you actually. You think you can just play with my body whenever you want, almost getting us caught on so many occasions because you just had to slide into my pussy no matter who was home?! Well if you can do all of that to me, that just means I'm allowed to do exactly what I want with you in return. I can already see that your naughty little cock is rock hard for me already, but don't touch it just yet. Your girl is in charge and this is going to be a very pleasurable hell for you daddy, let's play.... INCLUDES: Daddy Kink/Teasing/Make up Free/Morning/Casual/POV/Finger Fuck/Pussy Fuck/Creamy Pussy/JOI/Cum Countdown/Cum Denial/Strip Tease/Banter
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