I’m walking in the countryside and I’m feeling ever so soggy :D I’m wearing a lilac coloured top, a long cream coloured coat, my shapely legs are bare, on my cute little feet I have on a thin pair of socks and my pink sneakers, and I’m strapped into a very wet BunnyHopps. I unfasten my coat and pull it apart, exposing my gorgeous BunnyHopps to the sunshine. I sit down on a wooden bench and enjoy the rustling noises, and then I stand up and give my bulky crotch a shake, causing the liquid inside my BunnyHopps to slosh around like crazy! I remove a fresh Goodnites from my bag, and after taking off my soaking wet BunnyHopps, I secure myself in the new plastic :D I love changing outdoors like this, as I know that anyone might come along and catch me, but I don’t really have a choice…I don’t think my BunnyHopps had much left to give! But I do love swapping plastic in the sunshine :D
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