Today I will concentrate on the part of my Slave that he Cherishes most! His very manhood. I will leave him bruised and in agony! I will take him down slowly, and continue to increase the pain of which I make his Penis and Balls endure! I push until he cannot take it and then I will give him even more! So Look at me slave I want you to see me in my dominant leathers, do I look sexy too you? You moron? I dressed for myself in celebration of how I'm going to destroy that, that is so precious to you! My slave is useless especially now, bound helplessly, naked his balls and penis tied tightly to his feet! Any struggle on his behalf, any attempt to evade my strikes will only increase his pain! He himself will increase his own pain. How beautiful is that I to start place strong clothespins on his testicles and admire the look of pain on his face! I place many more upon him and watch as the burning sting builds within him. But obviously this isn't enough pain to satisfy me, not enough torment. I bounce them around knowing that the teeth are digging in. that his flesh is becoming more and more sensitive by the second. When he thinks that he's had too much too endure. When he thinks that I couldn't possibly hurt him more. I take out my crop and use it to violently remove the clothespins from his flesh as he dances in agony. Oh my slave! There is still so much more to come!
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