pussy glued shut with huge toy inside

nov 21, 2021Stream and Download1005.89 MB13m47sFHD

I've played with super glue before, but this time I had a new idea! First, I shoved a toy into my cunt that's about the size of my fist- it's the Tantus Tex, and it's over 9 inches around. Then, I carefully applied krazy glue to my labia and pressed them together, stretched around the base of the toy to seal it into my pussy. With gloved hands, I spent a little time feeling my new "blank nothing" as a fan of a past super glue video described my changed genitals. I was feeling very full, and wanted to cum, so I reached for my Hitachi magic wand and spent a frustrating few minutes trying to feel anything as I rubbed it over the smooth blank space where my pussy should be. When I was thoroughly frustrated and teased, I set the vibrator aside and started trying to push the toy out, pitting my cunt muscles against the strength of the krazy glue on my labia. You'll hear me yelp as my pussy lips pull away from each other, and then see me birth the giant toy! Finally I have access to my clit and can make myself cum. I think my creamy pussy forgave me for tormenting it by the end of the clip, don't you?

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