The Story – ASMR style CAMERA: FreeStyle • You a really arrogant and bitchy gold digger. Improvise and talk financial domination and ASMR style, simple sexy whispering. • You are just arriving and stepping into a room, walking a bit and lies down onto a couch. You should not wear the choker yet. • Tell me, that you made a great business when you poisoned your husband and you humiliated him totally before that. You ruined his business and stole all his money. What a fucking looser... • Some nice poses on the couch CAMERA: FIX BUT AT NORMAL HEIGHT NOT TO PLACE TOO CLOSE TO THE FLOOR, show always your full body with heeled legs not to zoom anywhere IMPORTANT • You are still lying on a couch and keep talking in financial domination style, improvise as you wish. • Show me, that you got an expensive gift (the choker) from your husband, but you ki lled him in return! You were really badass! • Put your choker on, you looks awesome! But your husband was not totally stupid, he got that choker cursed by a Voodoo witch...Then the magic activates... • You are totally surprised, your breath is away when the choker becomes tighter and tighter and you realize that now you are fighting for your life against this piece of . The body shakes, legs are kicking and tries to tears off the choker but everything seems hopeless, finally your are being ch00ked fatally… IMPORTANT : Please do all of the the action scenes as lying on the couch, do not come down from that and do not go outside of the camera view. I would like to see always your whole body with booted legs, because you are beautiful. :-) This is a perfect view, you might increase the height of the camera position a bit if possible.
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