Second part for "Leashed and hogtied naked at forest" with cuffing to a TREE blindfolded with timerlock! I leave my clothes, put hand- and leg cuffs on, and walk barefoot filming with selfie stick to the spot where I left rest of my bondage restrains. I lock myself hands behind back together to my legs - hogtied - with cuffs, chain and lock. There´s no way I can get free by myself, I have to wait for my helper to arrive to free me, and do it before any other casual hikers may appear! I´m very nervious and worried and my knees hurt from the position, adding to the anxiety. When he finally arrives he gives me spanks on the butt before setting me free and puts leash on my collar. He walks me with the leash to a new spot. It´s hard, still totally naked and barefoot, hands cuffed behind my back, legs cuffed together, and my bare feet hurt from the hard ground, and I look like I might cry from the uncertainty what he´s gonna do to me... Once there, he locks me to a tree in a very open spot! Hands cuffed up to a tree branch, he puts timerlock on the chains, blindfolds me and walks away! He leaves the key in front of me to find, when I´m finally set free. After finding my clothes back, the adventure made me so horny I need to masturbate, so I finger my pussy until I cum and squirt in the forest!
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