Sablique has tied up Akira & Indica and left them alone in one of the side rooms to play with as she pleases. Reeking of cigarette smoke, the room is small and holds only an ashtray stand between the two tied up and struggling ladies. With an evil glimmer in her eyes, knowing how much the girls hate cigarettes, Sablique enters the room when she hears the girls start to complain and fuss. Taunting the two girls unaware of the smelly smokey task that lays ahead of them, Sablique pulls out two cigarettes and shoves them between their lips. Giggling at the fearful look in their eyes, she sparks both of them up and instructs them to inhale- deeply. Leaving the cigarettes dangling in their mouths- the girls are encouraged to power smoke them down to the filter and get ash all over themselves until Sablique sees fit to give them relief.
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